Lost and abandoned america
Saint Albans Sanitorium
In 1916 Dr. J.C. King converted St Albans from a boy’s school to a hospital for the mentally ill and St Albans Sanatorium came into existence. Even though the treatment of mental disorders at St Albans was far superior to the care given to “lunatics” at other facilities, many patients succumbed as a result of the experimental treatments performed at this institution. Insulin Coma Therapy (ICT), Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and Hydro Shock Therapy (HST) all resulted in a significant number of fatalities. There are several documented suicides. This obituary from the Southwest Times chronicles one such lost soul “Mrs. Susan Jane Sayers, wife of W.B. Sayers, died Saturday night at the St. Albans Sanatorium, Radford, where she had been under treatment. Her condition had been extremis for some days and the end not unexpected, it being realized there was no hope.”

The boiler room at St. Albans is said to be home to one of the more malevolent entities in the building. The energy in the boiler room is left over from a history of dark events that took place here.
St. Albans Sanatorium
The “whistle room” at St. Albans is said to host an entity that will whistle a tune back at you

This room belonged to patient Rebecca very sad story she had a still born baby while at st albans and she put the baby in a jar and kept it in a hole in the closet she would take it out and rock it and hold it, until the other patients told the staff what she is was doing and they took the baby away. She then commited suicide.

this is were she hid the jar with the baby
The “rocker room” at St. Albans. This rocker has been observed to rock on its own.


Observation room doctors and nurses would give patients experimental medicine and observe their reactions through the window in the other room

these were taking inside saint albans sanitorium with thermal